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Metsäteollisuus ry - forest@forestindustries.fi - +358 9 132 61
Climate and energy
Fossil emissions that cause climate change must be eliminated. Forest industry companies have reduced their emissions drastically and it is a well-known fact that also remaining emissions must be cut out. The sector's products, in turn, replace fossil-intensive products and help to slow down climate change.
Finnish forest industry climate roadmap
Finnish forest industry climate roadmap

The Finnish forest industry’s climate roadmap highlights the industry's strong role in achieving Finland's ambitious goal to be carbon neutral by 2035.

Viewpoints on the EU climate and energy policy
Viewpoints on the EU climate and energy policy

The forest industry emphasises the importance of mitigating climate change. The relative CO2 emissions of the industry’s production have decreased by 64% since 1990.

Stop to fossil emissions and full use of the climate potential of wood processing

Mills have already reduced their fossil emissions to a minimum and it is possible to reach zero emissions. National measures are required to promote, among other things, the supply of electricity at competitive prices, which will encourage the sector to invest and renew itself. The competitiveness of existing mills is the basis for renewal, as only healthy companies are able to invest. Investments will facilitate further expansion of the range of climate-friendly products.

Continuing the increase of vital forest resources is possible. Active forestry and investments in the tending of seedling stands and young forests, reforestation, peatland forest management and the forest road network are needed. In addition, the prevention of deforestation caused by agriculture and new infrastructure provides rapid climate benefits.

Developments in wood processing can strengthen the national economy even more than at present. Competitiveness will continue to be the key success factor in the future.

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Green Transition and Future Growth

We fully support the EU objective to reach climate neutrality by 2050.

European union
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A touch of green to dune-filled landscape

The opportunities offered by the bioeconomy for mitigating climate change have taken a backseat in both climate negotiations and within the EU.

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Building the Bioeconomy together

Invitation to seminar ''Building the Bioeconomy together''.

The European Union
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Energy efficiency – a clear difference between stinginess and restricting consumption

The energy and climate policy decision-makers must learn to perceive the bigger picture to enable the industry to reach its shared goal.‍

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Energy efficiency
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Five facts about energy efficiency in the Finnish forest industry

Finnish forest industry invests in energy efficiency.

Energy efficiency
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FFIF seeks a broader inclusion of clean energy technologies and bioeconomy in the Act.

European union
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Finnish Forest Industries Federation celebrates the Sustainable Development Goals

Finnish forest industry plays a significant role in the implementation of UN's Sustainable Development Goals.

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Sustainability commitments
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The future of our clean industry has to be made in Europe

The European election campaign tone was just set, when the European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen outlined her policy priorities to EU lawmakers.

The European Union
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